
Teamviewer free download for desktop
Teamviewer free download for desktop

teamviewer free download for desktop

Connection quality can affect how well the app works, partly because the app uses TeamViewer servers as an intermediary rather than connecting directly to the remote device. This version of the app is optimized for tablet and touch-screen interfaces, making it easier to use for mobile devices. Configuration is simple, so you don't need to be a network expert to set it up. TeamViewer Touch for Windows 8 allows you to manage devices used remotely by employees or even just provide technical support for a friend. Once you've logged in to the partner device, you can perform technical support, install new software or just work on remote files. The remote machine must also be running a TeamViewer app, either this one or the TeamViewer desktop app.

teamviewer free download for desktop

TeamViewer Touch for Windows 8 is a free app that allows you to remotely log in to and control another computer or device. Softonic review Control devices remotely with TeamViewer Touch for Windows 8

Teamviewer free download for desktop